Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 8 Antarctica

For my final trip of the year I decided to visit the Antarctic Peninsula. The year is 7010 and the world a we know it now is gone. The seas have rose over 100 ft, the earth is experiencing extreme weather patterns and the antarctic peninsula is part of the reason. Since our global government couldn't come to an agreement about our environment we stayed on the same path as we were in in the early 2000's. Much of the ecosystem that once flourishing in the icy wasteland is now extinct or on the brink of extinction. What used to be their home is now melted into the ocean. Frozen diseases and toxins from the past unfroze and destroyed civilizations and ecosystems across the globe. As predicted the average temperature on the continent rose .5 degrees Celsius every decade and the average temperature is now 2,500 degrees warmer than it was. Even as the earth got continuously warmer no one believed that we had caused it now we don't have a planet to live on.

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