Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 8 - Cobe Karhoff

Image result for san francisco underwater

Today I visited the formerly great city of San Fransisco. The year is 7010 and nothing is what it use to be 5,000 years ago. San Fransisco is right on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and was once known as the city of Silicon Valley, but it is no longer a functional city due to rising water in the ocean that swallowed up the entire city. The reason for this is because of the melting ice caps which then led to the water level to rise up to 8 feet! Our society was split on the idea of global warming and if it was actually real or not and while we were arguing about this the water just continued to rise. The warmer weather caused the ice caps to melt and then submerging not only San Fransisco, but other coastal cities. Some still debate whether it was us humans who caused this warmer climate change or if it was a natural occurrence and there was no way of stopping this horrendous event.

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