Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Week 8 Global Warming-Delia Madril

Santa Cruz, California

Santa Cruz used to be considered one of the most beautiful and fun places to visit. Fast forward to the year 7010 and a lot has changed. Sea level rise has put this coastal area at the forefront of the impacts of climate change. The energy of ocean waves in this area has been growing globally, which has caused a connection between ocean warming and the increase in the wave energy. The sea level has continued to rise and has disrupted the effects by allowing more waves to approach the shore areas. 

Human impacts have contributed to increases in stream temperature, which has negatively affected the aquatic organisms in the area. The biggest changes to the area are where humans and the ocean have met. The sea level rise and storms have led to climate change. Shoreline erosion and habitat loss have occurred. The presence of humans have added to the temperature rise and everything has felt the stress. Snowfall has decreased in many areas that are reliant on snowfall to provide water. Because of this the water run-off could no longer balance with evaporation because more water was coming into the ocean and much less was actually going out. This is a big reason that the sea level has rose in Santa Cruz, California. Global warming is in full affect in this area. It will never be the same as it used to be. People will not be able to enjoy the outside activities that Santa Cruz provides, because most of the beautiful areas have been wiped out.

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