Thursday, May 2, 2019

Week8- Global Warming 
(Bethsaida Colina)

5,000 thousand years ago the world was totally different as the world we know today. In 2019, our planet was beautiful and full of life despite the effects of global warming that were starting back then. The society didn’t change their habits, they kept having the same lifestyles, and they didn’t do anything to help our planet from climate change. Therefore, the sea level was increasing because the glaciers were melting due to high temperatures around the world. 

Human activities were changing the natural greenhouse. The greenhouse effect is warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. The consequences of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse were difficult to predict, but certain effects were warmer conditions in some regions of the world especially in the north and south pole. The rising of the temperature ended up melting the glaciers and flooding the beaches around the world. 

My favorite beaches were the Riviera Maya, the water was crystalline, light blue with turquoise color, and with amazing weather all year long. After the glaciers melted, the Riviera Maya disappeared under the water. People who used to live near the beach lost their houses and land. The sea level rise and flooded a sixth part of the Mexican country. After this catastrophe, society changed their habits in order to help the planet, but it was already too late because the worst was coming. People started panicking and invented new ways to save the planet; however, their inventions kept contaminating the world and wasting a big portion of our clean water. Here are couple pictures of Riviera Maya from 2019.

Image result for riviera maya
Riviera Maya 2019
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Resorts 2019

2000 years later, the planet had only two-thirds of water, some green areas became deserts, volcanoes were exploding constantly, and earthquakes were more frequently in California, Mexico, Pacific Islands, and Chile. Humanity was vanishing and facing their biggest fear and challenge of all times. Our planet was dying and screaming for help. 

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Year 4020
The richest people in the world gathered together in order to save the world and humanity. It took them close to 1000 years to reverse climate change. The new inventions helped to create new glaciers and filtrated all the gases in the atmosphere such as Nitrous Oxide, Carbon Dioxide, and Methane in order to reverse the greenhouse effect. Humanity worked so hard to save what we have today. Now, our planet is in developing thanks to the newest technology, the core is stable and the tectonic plates aren’t crashing as frequent as they used to crash. Our planet is healing, and we must keep working together to save the planet and humanity. 


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