Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week 8: Global Warming - Natural Cycles in Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou at max 1.5m rise of sea levels (Cassidy, The CITYFix)

In 5000 years from now, I think that a major coastal city like Guangzhou, China, or any other major coastal town in the world for that matter, will no longer be inhabitable, at least not as is conceived today. Indeed, there must have been a gradual shrinkage of the human population for Planet Earth to survive and our civilization to persist. A large section of humans, animals, and vegetation would have faced a degree of biological extinction. We will be recovering from a major biodiversity loss. Sea levels would have risen from 3 to 4 meters as one of the potential long-term effects of global warming.

The surviving inhabitants of Guangzhou would have harnessed major technological breakthroughs in critical sectors, such as energy and fundamental understanding of the nature of the universe. This knowledge will allow them to live precariously on a few sections of their city by, for example, farming the ocean and sees.

However, some others will be living intermittently on other planets as well. Indeed, thanks to their newly acquired knowledge, Mars and Venus will be terraformed for the convenience of migration from Earth. Simultaneously, they will be in the process of attempting to “repair” an unrecognizable Guangzhou, whose climate oscillates now between cool and too hot for human life. For example, they would try to change old transport systems or enhance the type of settlements known in this major city today.

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