Saturday, May 4, 2019

Week 8: Morgan Florence

Imagine, as you walk outside to escort your child to school, a reflection of a green fog lurks over you from the green house bubble of pollutants. Vehicles will no longer be an option of transportation due to the increase of fumes. Most days you are advised to stay indoors due to the dense amount of carbon monoxide in the air the heat index exceeding ‘black flag’ conditions.

Waste concentration in the world will have exceeded the vacancy of personal space. Mid 5000 there was a boom of population, creating less space for building and industry creation. Although there is less space, production does not stop, which means pollution does not either. Fumes from trash improperly disposed of will reek from a mile away, the trash buried in the ground (to help make space)- contaminates the scarce water sources needed to survive. Rations of potable water will be provided to families of priority. Fish industries will no longer be at work, warm water species will take over all bodies of water, thus killing off the cold water fish that are considered to be the backbone of the industry. Children will be taught the meaning and significance of the once had ‘glaciers’, as these will no longer be, as the melting resulted in emergence flooding in parts or the world.

Around year 5000, increase of population created less space for building and less job opportunities. By 1710, the population has decreased as life expectancy and the value of life has declined greatly within 2000 years. Techniques of burying trash, resulting in other contamination was meant to adapt to the issues rather than make them worse. Natural contributions to global warming such as glaciers melting- creating emergence flooding in countries create hardening affects from the initial impact from the 1500 to 1710, due to the constant treading of the environment and the people.

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