Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dubai, 7020

5000 years ago, Dubai made history by building the first underwater hotel. 5000 years later, that is now accepted as the new norm. Climate change and rising sea levels has seriously affected coastal cities like Dubai, but based on the layout set by Dubai engineers and architects in the early 2000s, life on the coast has been able to continue due to this breakout. We were unable to stop the effects of the rising temperature across the earth, but we have significantly reduced our carbon footprint with major breakthroughs with solar and wind power. Along with that, electric flying cars that feature a submarine mode get us around just fine in the year 7020. Biodegradable and sustainably grown products fill every pantry across the world, and they are much cheaper than I remember them being in 2019. Historically, humans have had an incredible ability to adapt and adjust to their natural surroundings and I am glad to say after my trip to the future, this trend has continued.
Typical Underwater house in year 7020. Credit:

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