Sunday, December 22, 2019

WEEK 8 TRAVEL JOURNAL - Puerto Rico 7010

Puerto Rico in 2019 - Source: Forbes
Week 8 Travel Journal

Trip into the Future: Puerto Rico 7010

I was able to travel to Puerto Rico in the year 7010. Given the fact that the Earth's temperatures continued to rise, the island of Puerto Rico is now mostly underwater. The evidence of human having lived on the now underwater island are the tour groups that are able to go in and explore the area and even stay for long periods of time exploring. A gift shop even opened up down there selling various original items from the island during its heyday. This underwater island has also drawn in some various fish and creatures that can be used for a nice ceviche.
It seems quite obvious that humans have harnessed the power of their intelligence to somehow continue living thanks in part to the continuing advancement of technology. The fact that the last glaciers on Earth during the 21st century began to melt contributed to the rise of sea levels - making Puerto Rico a victim of having been flooded and now underwater.

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