Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week 7 - Ubehebe Crater - Derek Bryant

Hello Class,
My trip took me to Death Valley in the Ubehebe “big basket” crater, the Ubehebe Crater was formed from a 300-year-old volcanic event that massive pressure came up from underground and created a 600-foot crater. This crater originated from what is called a maar volcano. This volcano is caused by an increase pressure of both steam and gas when magma is rising from the depths below groundwater. In the photo below you can see the various layers of rock that has been exposed due to this event. One of my observations was “How old is the layers themselves and how were they created?” Another observation is “How long ago was the magma chamber formed?” to see a crater this large is astounding and has similar connections like Yellowstone national park. My final observation would be “What kind of rocks are within the layers of the crater?” The geology you can see have multiple layers and over million of years of history. A geological map can make this relatively easy to discover and understand the rock formations that are here and how they came to be.
 Ubehebe Crater (2019). Received From:

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