Saturday, March 31, 2018

Week 3 - Rivers

Buck Creek is a relatively small stream running through a park close to my home. It is probably one of my favorite places to take my dog for a walk. This stream is probably only about 40 feet wide and generally only gets to be a couple of feet deep.
Buck Creek after a heavy rain
 In the summers I sometimes stand barefoot in the water and I can feel particles of sediment hitting my feet. This is due to the hydraulic action of the water lifting the sediment from the bottom and carrying it along. I have also noticed that the rocks that are submerged in the water seem to be much more smooth than those that sit higher on the banks, a product of abrasion. This stream usually isn't very deep, however I have seen times after a heavy rain when the water has risen over the banks and flooded a significant portion of the surrounding area, much of the park must be in this stream's floodplain. My favorite part of the stream is near a bridge. A slight bend in the stream has created a small bar where some sediment is deposited making a kind of tiny beach, allowing me to walk right into the water. 
Buck Creek on a normal day

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