Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ricardo Aguilar Week 7th Death Valley journal




Ricardo Aguilar

Week 7th Death Valley journal


The geological zone called Death Valley has very interesting pleases of natural formations, already explored. Containing one of the larges desert landscapes the lowest point on Death Valley “bad water “ is 282 feet below the sea level. This geological composition is important for developing a geologic map of the region. There are also another geologic characteristics for a geologic map such as the saline valley sand dunes.  For this type of geological formation I would ask how did the valley formation modified the traditional deserted areas such as Egypt deserts or the Sahara one to resemble those magnificent dunes.

Here, where the soil of this region is rich in minerals; especially borax, the exploitation and exploration of all said geological evidences encompassed very rich information to define the geological zones of this area. Congruently, The geologic transformations that the valley has suffered throughout the valley’s formation includes different periods of intense volcanic activity, periods of sedimentation as well as the different tectonics deformations. Such geological activity will definitively determine the areas that should be included in a geologic map of this unique zone of the U.S. 

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