Sunday, December 13, 2020

Week 8 - Joshua Rosson - Global Warming

 In the year 7010 the sea levels have risen since we were late to adapt to understanding the impact that global warming will have. Although we tried to fix these issue with agreements like the Paris Accord where some countries mitigated the impact of emissions we were giving off, other countries increased their emissions as they went through their own advancements. However, we have learned to pivot in how we live as a society. There were several occasions that we learned that many jobs can be done from home thus reducing individual emissions. As more sustainable farming practices have been implemented we used less land for farming as well as reduced emissions. However, we have not forgotten the repercussions of our actions. The coast line of Florida is completely submerged, and all that are left are crumbling sky scrapers that are homage to a time when the land was once a tropical paradise.

(Photo Source: Mike Vogel)

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