Thursday, December 10, 2020

Week 8: Global Warming - Bridget B. Mensah

I recently visited Auckland, New Zealand in the year 7010. One thing that was done was that individuals began to learn the truth about climate change, pollution, and everything above. The beaches became cleaner, there was no littering anywhere, different trash can bins were placed around public places. It’s evident that there was a big change in the way that people treat the planet.

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Global warming did occur, the sea levels did rise an immense amount. That is when individuals began to realize the effect that they have on the planet which made them start to act like they had sense. People stopped littering and all of the above. Everyone realized that there is a ripple effect to everything that they do and that we only have one planet so we need to do what we can to take care of it. Loss of natural resources would lead to a lack of food which could play a hand in starvation among other things.

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