Friday, December 4, 2020

Week 7: Death Valley - Brandon Thammasine

I visited the Badlands Loop in Death Valley. The loop extends 2.7 miles and has an elevation of 535 feet. The area is filled with many wavy hills. The hills sort of has wavy ridges on the side which give them an interesting texture. I am as curious about how this geologic feature came to be. Were the hills created by compression plate movement? Or was it by erosion? I also notice a low number of loose rocks or visible broken pieces and harsh cracks in the formations. Why is that? Its sort of smooth texture is very interesting. What really amazes me is in some parts, I see some hills having colors of reds and greys in form of layers. Was this due to some form of plate bending? (@_karlde) | Twitter
The wavy hills of the Badlands loop in Death Valley. Taken by April. Death Valley: A Guide to the Highlights - The Unending Journey 


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