Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 The year is 7010 A.D. and we are in eastern Florida, or at least what used to be eastern Florida. Water stretches for as far as the eye can see. It wasn't always like this. There used to be beautiful beaches and swaying trees, and millions of people going about their day. They say they tried to undo what had been done. They had found a non-destructive renewable resource with which to power their society, and it was clean. It polluted the air no further. However, the damage had already been done. A chain reaction had been activated. Increased temperature had set into motion something that should have taken thousands more years to take place. Oceans had warmed, leading to a decline in ice cover which led to a reduced reflectivity, leading to more solar radiation being absorbed and therefore restarting the cycle. Global warming had indeed gotten the best of us, and had even been accelerated past the natural ice cycle rate. Ocean levels had risen hundreds of feet, submerging coastal cities around the globe and swallowing islands all the same.  

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