Saturday, May 2, 2020

Being from Florida, I'll choose to write about Florida's gulf. St. Petersburg is west of Tampa Florida, imaged here to the right. I will predict that St Petersburg will be largely engulfed and turn into parts of an island, similar to how Key West is today. Tampa's coastline will also recede as a result. The Polar ice caps are completely melted away, resulting in a sharp rise in sea level globally. As more water retreats from the Polar ice caps, precipitation is more prevalent as well, resulting in more rains in an ecosystem which already gets a large amount of rain.I think that a lot of this is the result of natural global warming but also combined with the rise in carbon dioxide in the air from human pollution. To be completely honest, having grown up in Florida, when I do go home I feel that it is hotter than I remembered it as a kid, and I do believe my parents agree. Nonetheless, after a millenium from today, I could envision many, many people moving out of Florida due to it become too hot to bear living in. So I think a lot of the rise in sea level will be out of Florida's control. Perhaps dams could be built somehow, but it would likely be too difficult to accomplish an environment that already faces erosion challenges. I think Florida will become a place no one wants to live, just because it is too hot. As humans scarcely live there 7000 years from now, wildlife will take over in a very hostile way. Reptiles will be the dominant species, such as Gators and crocodiles, but mosquito will mutate to larger sizes to attack these reptiles more effectively.

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