Sunday, May 3, 2020

Week8 - Kyle Quirk - L.A. in 7020

This week I traveled 5000 years in the future to Los Angeles, California.  I assumed that humanity as a whole would continue on its destructive path and there wouldn't be much of L.A. to take in.  However, I found that we were able to turn around our destructive behaviors and start using more environmentally friendly resources for transportation, sustaining life, and entertainment.

With the conversion of transportation to all electric or hydrogen powered vehicles, we've created less pollution.  Products that previously used an oil-based plastic are now using biodegradable materials, producing less waste to be buried in landfills. Manufacturing plants have found a way to reuse the carbon emissions they produce, eliminating a major contributor to climate change.

The one thing that really stood out to me was the use of very high walls around coastal cities due to the rise of the sea level as the polar caps melted.  Luckily, humanity was able to react quickly to the rising sea levels and change not only the way they lived but also build these sea walls that continue to let them live in beautiful coastal cities.

I'm just glad they were able to figure out the sea walls and the extreme carbon emissions cuts so we didn't end up with a coastal map that looked like this:

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