Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 4 Volcanoes

Unlike most volcanoes that go up from the ground slowly, this volcano is almost perfectly standing straight up like a tree trunk. When visiting here I also have noticed the wild life, animals, flowers, and even the snow top which I was told is year round! It is an amazing place to be and on the list of places to come back to for me.Mt. Shasta, California: Groovy Weekender | Via
This week I will be visiting Mount Shasta, a volcano that is located in the southern side of the Cascade Range in Siskiyou County, California. It is approximately 14,179 ft tall, and absolutely gorgeous. Even though it has not erupted since 1786, it is still considered active and over the last 750 years has erupted at least once every 250 years. Even though it is active and bound to explode at any moment now it is still a gorgeous site to see. The view is like no other and there is places to stay close by and paths created for people to take for touring. 

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