Sunday, May 3, 2020

Week 8 - Alexis Torrez - Global Warming 

It is 7010, and during this trip to the future I have decided to visit Hudson Bay, located in Canada. At this time, the Earth has rebounded more than 650 feet back to it's original position. There is very little gravity here due to Earth being pushed to the sides from ice sheets. 

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This was Hudson Bay 5,000 years ago. Today, the land has been re-shaped and shifted. The mountains are much higher. Our global society did nothing in changing their ways through global warming. Changes in sea level occurred faster than it would have if taken it's natural course. When the sea levels began to raise drastically, this lead to more natural disasters. Society's numbers lowered some, and others were forced to learn a new way of life in newer areas toward the center of the continents. Society has now evolved back to some of it's natural ways of the hunter-gathering era. Although there is advanced technology, it is used to enhance travel and hunting. Geologist have discovered more patterns of the earth after a small ice age era has passed. After learning that the industrial era was devastating to our earth, humans have learned to use other resources for their daily living needs. 

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