Friday, May 29, 2020

Vocanoes - Volcan de Fuego Guatemala

Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala

I visited Guatemala and hiked the Volcan Acatenango to see the consistently erupting Volcan de Fuego (twin to Acatenango). This composite volcano frequently erupts mildly while explosive eruptions are more rare. Still, explosive eruptions have happened enough for Volcan de Fuego to be considered frequently erupting. 
Because Volcan de Fuego is a composite volcano or stratovolcano, it is steep and conical. It is known to have mild explosive activity, but intense lava fountains have also been reported. 
            Volcan de Fuego is dangerous because of pyroclastic flow and lahars. Actual lava flow is slow moving and less of a threat to people. This is what helps build the steep sides of the volcano. Pyroclastic flow from Volcan de Fuego is very hot and fast moving gases, ash, and volcanic material which races down the volcano taking anything out in its path. Lahars, mudslides consisting of water and volcanic ash are typical to eruptions of Volcan de Fuego considering the wet environment and proximity to the coast. 
            Volcan de Fuego is part of a volcanic chain formed along the Caribbean Plate tectonic boundary. This chain, along with many others around the world is part of the Ring of Fire. This is caused by a subduction zone or convergent boundary. The oceanic plate called the Cocos Plate is drawn under the continental plate called the Caribbean Plate. the converging of these plates causes pressure changes inside the volcano. When silica-rich magma and gases build up inside the magma chamber, they eventually explode suddenly. 
Constant gas erupting from Volcan de Fuego

Hiking Volcan Acatenango next to Volcan de Fuego

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