Friday, December 20, 2019

New Boston - Week 8 - Alex Steele

I took a trip to the coast of New Boston, or what 5000 years ago was Newton, MA.
As the ice caps melted and the sea level rose. The ocean overtook major areas of
land and straightened out the coast of Massachusetts. All the coastal cities were
completely flooded over, making
way for New Boston.

Natural CO2 rates weren't respected by any societies. 5000 years ago they
debated whether the increase in CO2 was real. CO2 measured has a direct
relationship to global temperature. Instead of a cool down period, which was
expected to happen, the earth kept heating up. There was a massive increase
of global temperatures. The change altered the ocean currents. Upper East
coast is subjected to hurricanes most months out of the year. 

Soil was enriched more due to rivers having more water, and thus overflowing.
Many of the larger and more rigid trees died as a result. Many of the smaller
more flexible trees survived. Specifically the Charles River has broadened and
runs much faster than it did 5000 years ago. 

Global society wasn't able to switch to alternative forms of energy or to better
means of waste management. We continued to burn fossil fuels, utilize
transportation methods that require fossil fuels, and make alternative methods
too difficult. Countries like India and China particularly had too many people and
no efficient method to address their energy and transportation methods. 

Image result for Boston Flooded

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