Sunday, December 22, 2019

Year 7010-Week8-Terri Lenhart

This week I am visiting the Diablo Islands. Thousands of years ago, these islands were mountain peaks in the continent in a country called United States. This place was called California, and was a "state" which was a politically sectioned part of the country. We have deep diving trips planned to see areas of former cities once existing in this area. about 5000 years ago, there were major cities along what was a coastline of the continent. They became large trade port cities, because at that time, boats were a major source of travel, exploration and transport. While there is little left of the cities themselves, we have digital data recording the culture and look of the ancient cities. Our diving trips are scheduled for mid-day when the temperature can soar to 115, as the average earth temperature at this time is now 90 degrees. We change from our land body suits which protect from extreme temperatures on land, to the diving gear specialized for the submarines designed for deep underwater archaeological exploration. Records show that during the 2000's, extreme overuse of natural resources and overpopulation increased global strain, increased carbon concentration in the atmosphere and caused warming temperatures,  eventually melting all of the glacial ice bodies. This was comparable to the Eocene Epoch which lasted over 20 million years in which extensive extinctions happened. Attached is a map which predicted the look of the continents, created in the year 2013, and is remarkably accurate to todays geography.

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