Thursday, December 19, 2019

Week 8 - Derek Bryant

Hello Class,
This week I travelled to the year 7010, this millennia was brighter and more organized than our current year. Nuclear war was averted, and a federation was created in order to bring humans together to explore the far reaches of space. I decided to visit Mami, Florida to investigate if global warming occurred. I discovered it did but not on a scale we were expecting, thanks to our past efforts to go green, cars are fully electric, and people utilize less for what they need. The oceans were at acceptable levels, and the reason behind this was due to the overall overhaul on how mankind operates. Scientist used ice cores during our time period and detected the event of global warming was occurring. Through these ice cores and the receding of the glaciers, it was decided that action had to be taken. Sadly, we did not get to see the advancements that occurred to prevent global warming. The measures they took were enforcing laws that cut down on emission outputs, place a cap on coal plants, and incentives in people buying electric motors. Overtime carbon became less and less and eventually through both education of the youth and re-training of older generations, more was reused, and recycled along with utilizing less resources for our day to day lives. Finally, cities established new codes in order to make space enough for people, but only for what they needed. This helped the return of glaciers; the last ice age was roughly 15,000 years ago. It took almost an additional 5,000 years due to our efforts in carbon output, now the environment is going to a cooler climate. Now the city of Mami, Florida has no water near its streets, instead the water level has retreated due to the polar region refreezing. This action is due to the reverse effects we have done. Now the earths cool and warm cycle has been reestablished, the world was in a troubled state for some time however, the water level did flood Miami making it unlivable in the year 2200. Once the cycles returned, the United States government re-established the city for livable use.



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