Saturday, March 30, 2019

Week 3- Antarctic Desert

I chose the desert of Antarctica because I picture sand and cacti when I think desert and I wanted to learn more outside the stereotype.

Antarctica is considered the largest desert in the world and is classified as such because of the tiny amount of precipitation it gets annually (less than 2 inches a year!). However, due to the mile thick ice, what little bit of snow Antarctica does receive doesn't absorb into the ground, creating snow as a sort of silt. Weirdly, it has blizzards the way sand deserts have sandstorms, with snow blowing and winds raging up to 200 mph. Because of the blowing snow and freezing temperatures, ice forms into cliffs and snow dunes, creating a jagged landscape. This is a desert climate because of the sheer temperature. It's so cold, the air simply can't hold enough moisture for sufficient rain- or snowfall.

Image result for antarctic desert


Information websites:

1 comment:

  1. It is so crazy to think of Antartica as a desert! Thanks for sharing your research, fascinating!
