Sunday, March 22, 2020

Igneous Rocks At Mount Batur

This week I did not travel anywhere so I am writing about a trip that I took in October to a volcano. I kept a rock from our hike and I also purchased a bracelet that was made with rocks from that location. There were many lava rocks at this location, Mount Batur, that had a vesicular texture. The color of the basalt rocks here were dark with 85-100% dark minerals and 0-50% silica content. These rocks were formed from lava exiting the volcano and cooling quickly. The thicker lava has an increased amount of trapped gases and this causes the igneous rock to become full of holes. This was an active volcano and the last eruption occurred in 2000. The pictures on the left are of one of the rocks that I kept from the hike. The picture at the top was taken at the bottom of the volcano, which is pictured in the background, showing the land surrounding the volcano.

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