Sunday, March 15, 2020

Klassy - Week 1 - Test Post

This is my truck that I am responsible for at work (military). It is a communications suite with satellite access, 4G, Cisco switches and networking equipment and all sorts of radios and secure communications equipment. This picture is from yesterday. My unit was activated to assist the CDPHE with the CORVID-19 swab testing. This was our day at the Denver Coliseum. I managed the IT and radio communications for all the organizations on scene.

This virus has consumed every moment of my work time and free time, including weekends. It is a miracle I was able to get the week's work done.

It was all over the news!

Insider Tip: The news is wrong about so many things. They get so many numbers wrong, every guess seems to be wrong. It is interesting when you are actually part of a real event and then you see the news reports and how bad some of their information is. However, anyone who reads the reports assumes it is golden.
(Only did 100 tests yesterday?..... Closed early?..... Ok, sure media, whatever you say...)

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