Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 3_Deserts_Michael Bluett

I would love to travel more, but of course with all these travel precautions going on, I will have to bring up a memory. In 2016 I had the opportunity to be deployed in the country of Qatar. The country is a flat desert peninsula north of Saudi Arabia.

The climate there was extremely hot and humid from the Summer months that I arrived there to the Winter months when I left. While I was there, we did witness a massive sandstorm. I remember waking up one afternoon and the sun was getting blocked. A wall of sand, presumably sediment, appeared to reach as far as the heavens. Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures because I was stuck in shock. These winds come in from the Persian gulf. Due to the high humidity in the area, there was also a lot of fog. Some days while I was working, I could barely see around me.

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