Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Travel Journal #1: Curecanti Needle- Sydney Rodriguez

Travel Journal #1: Curecanti Needle, Gunnison CO (The following is fiction)

For my very first Travel Journal, I decided to visit the Curecanti Needle located in Gunnison, CO. After exploring a bit, I was able to see that there was a lot of Granite, which is a type of igneous rock. I was able to recognize that it was Granite because of the crystals, both felsic (quarts and feldspar I would assume) and mafic minerals (black mica I would expect), and its phaneritic texture. While I was exploring for a bit, I ran into a person who was quite knowledgeable about the Curecanti Needle. He told me that the Granite was a quartz monzonite. This explorer then went on to say to me that there were metamorphic rocks in the surrounding area. I know that Granite is much harder than metamorphic rocks and asked if the point formed because the Granite took a lot longer to weather than the surrounding metamorphic rocks. It turns out he said I was spot on with my observations. This place was a great explore!

Image result for curecanti needle colorado


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