Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 3 - Vatnajökull Glacier - Jacob Norenko

This week I decided to make my way to Iceland to visit the biggest glacier in all of Europe, Vatnajökull! In fact many people may have seen this glacier before without even knowing it because it is used in media such as Game of Thrones and Batman. Vatnajökull is classified as an ice cap glacier. They are very similar to ice sheets but tend to be smaller. Vatnajökull, however, still covers 8% of Iceland. This glacier creates many alpine outlet glaciers which flow down the valleys of Vatnajökull, and with it debris and sediment as well. The valleys are very wide, due to the erosion created by the glacier or possibly volcanic activity that exists there. Unfortunatley due to climate change Vatnajökull is shrinking, and future generations may not get to experience this icy wonder as we have.
Vatnajökull | Guide to Iceland
 Guide to Iceland. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2020, from

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