Sunday, June 28, 2020

Global Warming Week 8

The year is is 7010, due to the people in the 2000s, everything has changed. The average temperature at the coldest spot in the world is 120 degrees. You have to wear a full body suit if you are going anywhere outside of your house. Because of all the construction and trying to modernize everything and countries wanting to be bigger and better than everyone else, the sky has turned extremely gross. Going yellow, with clouds in the sky just being gas or dust clouds. Due to this, everything, has been done because of humans. Global warming did occur, and because of this everything is basically doomed. The world is now at their worst needs and hoping to hold on to everything they can but it might be too late. In this 5,000 years people have just now learned their lessons. You would have thought that during the coronavirus in 2020 they would have noticed that they needed to start being careful because just after 3 days in the ozone had healed so much. But we did not. 

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