Thursday, June 25, 2020

Week 8 - Global Warming

Upon visiting the futuristic city of Miami, FL in 7020, I was expected to be greeted by a person with cyber-kinetic enhancements or even by an android. However, after journeying 5,000 years into the future, all I was greeted with was abandoned skyscrapers, empty buildings and massive amounts of water. The coastal waters appeared to taken over many miles of the inland; after many hours of scavenging in my boat, I was able to locate a media clip in a worn-down television station to investigate what had occurred at this horrendous scene. After pressing play, a middle-aged woman appeared on what seemed to be a news broadcast, indicating that global warming was taking place at an advanced pace. There was no date or time stamp, so I was unsure as to what year this broadcast had actually aired; however, it's safe to say it was an emergency broadcast due to the woman's heightened tone of concern.

The woman began by describing what had caused this global warming event, stating that the grandest of all contributors were the anthropogenic effects, such as enormous amounts of livestock farming and atmospheric deposits from transportation vehicles burning fuel. All of these factors contribute more carbon dioxide into the upper atmosphere, blocking more of the Sun's heat energy in the lower atmosphere. The woman went on to state that the pleas of the people fell on deaf ears of Congress for decades, calling for regulations of the private business industry to focus on cleaner, more green-efficient methods to produce food and utilize energy. It appears that the masses were endorsing EVs, nuclear power plants and alternative food sources based on plants. However, those in charge of creating a new order for its constituents to abide by took no action and continued on with their traditional way of life. Not once were any "natural" causes mentioned in the clip. As I left the television station, I slipped the clip into my pocket as a souvenir, in hopes that evidence of the future would sway the leaders of my time to consider how their present ideologies can affect the entire future of the world and its people within.

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