Sunday, June 28, 2020

Week 8: Global Warming

It's the year 7010, Venice Italy is not what it used to be 5,000 years ago. Due to global warming in the beginning of 5,000, the entire city and the rest of the world succumbed to great bodies water over taking any above ground mass and covering it in water. The once great landmarks like the Basilica di San Marco are now underwater as once highly visited places to see. 

The only surviving people were those wealthy enough to build underwater homes with enough air chambers for their entire families, who also had the ability to replenish those air sources. Although, science is moving closer to finding an alternative method of underwater breathing. 

Additionally, livestock is no longer a source of food, fish and other seafood is abundant 
and scientists are continually learning how to use kelp and other underwater plants to sustain and promote health. Past ailments such 
as diabetes or heart attacks are no longer prolonged issues like they once were thousands of years ago. 

As with any period of time, those alive are able to adapt and change with the changes that occur daily. 

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