Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Week 8 - Myrtle Beach Global Warming

I've always wondered what the future would look like so I procured Bill and Ted's time machine. My first stop was Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and the year was 7010. What I found was disappointing but also hopeful. Sea levels have exponentially risen due to the Greenhouse effect. That is the disappointing part. However the hopeful part is how our county responded.


Although we initially failed to limit carbon emissions to the point needed to avoid global cooling, we responded vigorously. The United States Government made a determination that in order to combat this and save our species, we needed to view this as a two step process.

1. Eliminate carbon emissions to mitigate global cooling.
2. Create physical barriers to protect from the failure of #1.

Everything was converted to clean energy, yet sea levels continued to rise. The damage had already been done. Our government made an all in effort to create barriers around our coast lines. Essentially the entire country banded together in an event that will be recorded in history forever. Citizens from all over the country filtered to our coast lines and water inlets. Imagine the United States citizens filtering from the middle of the county to the outer edges. The mitigation efforts from #1 allowed them enough time to build an initial levee barrier. Similar to those used in New Orleans yet on a much larger scale. Of course this took a lot of time but thank god the people we early enough to get this done. Myrtle Beach and all of America is now protected by there barriers. The combination of 1 & 2 saved our existence. However the work continues. One barrier is not enough to protect man kind. They continue to build barriers inland to using a honeycomb methodology from the initial barrier. This will ensure we are still protected from weak points, ruptures or overlooked maintenance over time.


Although life has changed exponentially in 7010, I am hopeful. The American people were able to come together in a time of need to save our land and save our people. This my friends is the foundation in which our county was built upon and the mindset which will secure our future forever.

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