Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death Valley

My first stop in Death Valley was to the Mesquite Sand Dunes. In the photo above you can see that
these dunes have ripples and a sort of reddish tone. These dunes were most likely formed from a
combination of wind and the surrounding mountains. The mountains can trap wind which then carries
sand which builds up to form dunes. In order to understand more about the Mesquite Sand Dunes, I
would like a sample of the sand and the rocks in the surrounding mountains. These samples would allow
me to figure out what the sand is comprised of. A geological map would also allow me to get more
information on the wind and mountains creating these sand dunes. 

My next visit in Death Valley was to Golden Canyon. In this photo, you can see large rock formations
with colors varying from red to off white. While looking at the photo you can see that these rocks were
most likely formed and eroded from a large lake covering the area in the past. One piece of information
I learned relates to radiometric data. If I could use radiometric dating on the rocks closest to ground
level I could get an idea of when the lake surrounding this area existed. This would help me to better
understand Golden Canyon and how the Canyon was formed. 

The last visit I had in Death Valley was to Badwater Basin, which is home to the salt flats. Badwater
Basin is the lowest point in the Continental United States. In this photo above you can see a flat
layer of salt that has formed into a unique diamond-like shape. This shape has sparked my interest
and I would need more information to find out why the shape is the way it is. One piece of
information I could use is data regarding the weather trends in Badwater Basin. With this information,
I would be able to see if rain or wind could have caused these shapes to form. My guess is that
rainfall in the Badwater Basin causes the salt to become wet and then during the summer the water
evaporates. After the water evaporates it dries out the salt-forming cracks. 

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