Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Global Warming - Natural Cycles

5,000 years from now the Earth will still be recovering from global warming as a result of human pollution. The population of Earth implemented changes to reduce carbon human-based carbon emission, but far after the point of no return. Between political squabbling and corporate greed, our efforts were too late to stop the damage. Clean energy was a starting place for society to clean up the Earth, but larger CO2 producing corporations cutting emissions made the biggest difference in the fight against global warming.

The ice caps melted significantly enough to fill prehistoric shallow oceans across the globe. The warmer and colder climates during the year made cultivation difficult, if not impossible in some places of the Earth. Farmers used hydroponics to grow plants and vegetables indoors in large greenhouses that could climatize better all year round. Many locations on Earth became inhabitable, while reformed prehistoric oceans sprouted flora in places that were once desolate.

Many generations have passed since the initial effects of global warming took place and the existing humans on Earth live off of renewable energy and Earth-friendly manufacturing. During the harshest times of global warming, humans took to space and began exploring and colonizing the moon and Mars, with long-distance voyages currently underway.

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