Monday, August 19, 2019

Week 7 - Death Valley

The one stop to visit of interest is Zabriskie point. It is amazing to see the different colors in the rocks left behind especially rust and black. The rust is from thermal waters long ago and the black is the hardening of volcanic lava. It is amazing to see the different patterns of erosion as well. The area was once covered by a lake. There are foot tracks of living creatures that have been found in the area from mastodons to horses as well as plant fossils. If I had more information I would want the data of plants and animals found as well as the rocks. By having this data it would allow for an more accurate picture of the different changes that had taken place and what the environment was like for each living creature.

(2016, October 13). Death Valley, California – Badlands and Mountains at Zabriskie Point. Retrieved from

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