Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 6- County in California

The Humboldt County in California is a county that is roughly 200 miles north of San Francisco near the border of Oregon. The county is along the coast, and is also covered in a redwood forrest. The Eel River Valley is a significant geological location in the county. It was created from layers of volcanic ashes a long time ago, and has been shaped by earthquakes throughout the 1900s. A river now runs through the valley, and it is very popular with the locals. The Pullen Formation is also an interesting geological location in the county. There have been whale fossils found in this formation suggesting that it was formed by the ocean. This formation also is connected to the Eel River Valley. The Bear River Beds is the last place of geological importance in the county. Similar to the Eel River Valley, it was formed from layers of volcanic ash. It also seems like it was once a shelf and has been shaped over time into the river bed it is now. Those are just a few of the significant geological locations in the Humboldt County in California.

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