Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 6 - Geological Interpretations

Death Valley - California

Death Valley - Credit:
The three pieces of information or data I would request are crustal movement, volcanic activity, and the rock make-up of Death Valley. The geological make-up of Death Valley is very complex and additional information in the above three aspects can further our education. 

Crustal Movement:
Death Valley Fault Line - Credit:
Three million years ago crustal movement changes formed alternating valleys and mountain ranges in  Death Valley. The valley’s floor has been slipping and subsiding  along the Black Mountains Fault, that continues today. Continuing studies of the valleys’ crustal movement is necessary to further the geological studies of Death Valley. 

Volcanic Activity:
Death Valley Crater - Credit:

Much of Death Valley’s development was created by volcanic activity. Fault movement caused the crust to weaken and lava erupted at the weak points in the crust. Further studies and understanding of Death valley’s volcanic activity can lead geologist to better understanding how Death Valley formed.

Death Valley Rocks:

Information about the rocks of Death Valley can give geologists a vast amount of information on what the area looked like in the past. By studying the past, scientists can better understand today and the future.

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