Saturday, August 17, 2019

Week 7 - Badlands Loop

Badlands Loop

Kevin  Kapka

After reviewing the website, the route, I chose to walk in Death Valley is called the Badlands Loop. The reason why I pick this route was because of this route is most popular among hikers. When hearing how popular this route was it totally intrigued myself and I wanted to know why. After doing some further research it all made sense and hopefully by this picture below it shows the kind of scenic views throughout the journey. Overall, the park describes this route as a moderate difficultly which appeals to a wider range of people. Round trip it will roughly take 2 hours to walk and it is a little under 3 miles. This route is a former lakebed, so which has now turned into desert or known as Death Valley.

Work Cited  
Badlands Loop State Scenic Byway. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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