Sunday, November 1, 2020

Cory Hall - Week 2

 I grew up in a small river town right on the Mississippi River, so naturally playing in and around the river was just a natural occurrence. Almost everybody I know growing up had some sort of boat, so summers were mostly spent on the Mississippi. I remember one day, I ended up stepping on something that cut my foot. Knowing that the river is pretty dirty I immediately assumed it was glass. The water is very cloudy and dirty and muddy, so injuries can be fairly common. So after I fixed my foot up I returned to the spot to dig up whatever cut my foot open and to my discovery it was a very unusual looking rock. Most rocks from the river are very smooth as they have been stuck in the current for who knows how long. But this one was bright red and porous and very sharp. I was told by others around me that it's a lava rock. Being a young kid I thought this was awesome so naturally I took it home and began to read up on said lava rock. Come to find out it is, or I believe, a scoria rock. Its hard to believe that a rock that was created from actual volcanoes was discovered in the middle of The United States. I still sometimes relate finding that rock to the river and it always seems to amaze me.

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