Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week 2 - Igneous Rocks

This week I am taking my virtual vacation to the Aleutian Islands in search of igneous rock formations.  The Aleutian Islands are a string of islands that are part of Alaska.  They frame out part of the ring of fire and have a lot in common with the Hawaiian Islands on how they have formed.  My travels took me to Mount Kanaga to take a look at the lava flow of 1906.

Lava flows are classified as extrusive igneous rocks due to their cooling and settling happening outside of the magma chamber.  This cooling in contact with the atmosphere is very quick when compared to igneous rocks that form entirely below ground.  The quick cooling means that minerals do not get the chance to form large crystals as the process ends abruptly with the drop in temperature.  I can't wait to see where we decide to go next week!

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