Sunday, November 29, 2020

Week 6 Geological Exposures - Joshua Rosson


                                                    (Photo credit: Bob Wick)

I chose the Mojave Desert as my region. The first piece of data that I would request is the map of fault lines that the Department of Conservation provides. The reason this is so important is due to the explanation that it can provide for the various volcanic eruptions that have occurred in during the formation of the Mojave. Across the desert there are several cinder cones pointing towards the Mojave being located near several faults. Next I would request the historical data of the water table. This is due to the soda lakes showing evidence of water quickly evaporating in an arid climate with no way to the sea, leading me to believe that the coast of California was once more inland than it is now. Finally I would ask for a topographical map. This combined with the fault line data can show evidence of plates that are colliding and being raised which would explain the Mojave's formation into a arid desert.


Logan, M. (2019, July 30). How We Defeated a Corporate Scheme to Sell the Mojave Desert's Water. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from

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