Friday, November 20, 2020

Week 5 - Converging Plates - James Cebry

One place that I went to when I was stationed in Italy was the central Alps. My wife an I took a train from Munich, Germany through the Alps to get to Salzburg Austria. The mountain out there are very steep and have a jagged look to them. They are very tall almost looking like fingers trying to catch clouds.
This is a picture from Eagles Nest which was one of Hitler's Bases he used. Has you can see it is high up in the Austrian / German Alps and the mountains look they they are grapping for clouds.

 The Alps were formed from compressive forces on the European and Adriatic plates. When these plates compressed together it formed folds of Precambrian rocks and younger marine sedimentary rocks. Many of the mountain have folding structural styles but there are some faulting structural styles in the Austrian and Italian Alps. In the area where I traveled it has normal faults. While they have not been active in awhile the fault lines are still there.
This is another picture of the Italian Alps form the Italy tourist website showing how jagged the mountains can be.

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