Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week Three: Glaicers


Source: Shawn Lyons (Nov 6, 2020)

During my summer trip to Alaska with my grandfather, we had taken a hike to a place called Portage Pass. After rounding a corner, I had gazed upon a large valley covered in a blueish white sheet of alpine glacier. The mountains were carved to resemble a half pipe that twisted around a bend. There was a small spout that cascaded against the end moraine consisting of large boulders that had been ripped from the bed rock by the slowly moving glacier. There were small areas on the mountain side that had been polished by other smaller sediment particles that had been pulled along that glimmered in the sunlight. It was bewildering to gaze upon the amazing power that gravity and snow was able to produce upon ripping through these mountains consisting slate and stone to become what seemed to be a skate park for giants.

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