Friday, November 13, 2020

Week 4 - Mount St. Helens - Juan Monclova

 Mount St. Helen is a stratovolcano that is located in the state of Washington in the USA, and its about 3,000 years old. Stratovolcanoes are known to be the most destructive and violent of all types of volcanoes. Even though Mount St. Helen has erupted as recent as July 10, 2008, it is infamously known for its eruption in May 18, 1980. This eruption killed 57 people and destroyed approximately 230 square feet of forest. In one day it was able to release about 520 million tons of ash that was blown east across the state causing the city of Spokane, Washington to be in complete darkness. Mind you the city of Spokane is about 250 miles away from the volcano. Not only that but the eruption column rose up to 80,000 feet up into the atmosphere and that eleven U.S. States and two Canadian provinces had ash dropped on them. Mount St. Helens is still a very studied natural phenomenon in the scientific world.


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