Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week 3: Desert - James Cebry


The desert that I have chosen is the Arabian Desert in the country of Bahrain.  I lived there for one year and was able to see many different parts of the desert there.  Bahrain is an island just off the coast of Saudi Arabia in the Arabian Gulf. The main reason there is a desert there is because of the lack of rain and the high temperatures.  They normally average about 5-6 inches of rain a year.  Although when I was there, they had record rain fall and got 5-6 inches in one rainstorm.  The whole island was flooded and there wasn’t any place for the water to go.  In between April and October, the temperature is over 100 degrees and the winter months it is between 70-80 degrees.  There the sand is made of small aluminum pieces and therefore Bahrain has one of the largest aluminum plants in the world.  There is not a lot of vegetation in desert there but there are some small trees and Cacti.  One famous tree there is the tree of live.  It is a Prosopis cineraria tree in the middle of the desert with nothing else around it.  The tree of life is over 400 years old and believed to have mystical powers from the garden of Eden.  Other then being really hot Bahrain was good place to live.  Below is a picture I took while at a camel farm.

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