Sunday, November 22, 2020

Week 5 Convergent Plates Hirra Faizi

     I have decided to visit the Himalayan mountains for this week's journal because I was recently reading 

up about it. The Himalayan mountain range has formed from the result of a continental and continental 

collision between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate which took place about 50 million years ago. This 

range resulted from huge tectonic forces and sculpted by the process of weathering and erosion. The 

Himalayas was formed by compressive stress which we know squeezes rocks together causing them to 

fracture or fold. Additionally, this mountain is made up of metamorphic rocks and granites that are 

situated very high. As mentioned, this area was a collision zone where tectonic plates push up mountain 

ranges so we know it is a reverse fault where one block of crust slides on top of another. 


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