I chose Mt. St. Helens because I remember when the eruption happened. It was the biggest story in the news for weeks. Some time later, there was a TV movie made from the experience.
Today, Mt. St. Helens today is a beautiful expansive forest with
renewed ground cover as well as abundant wildlife and a newer, albeit, more
shallow lake called Spirit lake which was gone for a period after the 1980
volcanic eruption. Immediately after the eruption in 1980, the forest
floor was covered in tephra. (this is volcanic ash and rock). The entire
landscape was grey. The resulting landslide raised the lakebed 200 feet, and
caused the Toutle river to raise 20 feet, wiping out homes, businesses, and
killing some 57 people as it flooded the area. This whole area is now 110,000-acre
monument called Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument.
In the months preceding
the 1980 eruption, there were several earthquakes, some hitting 5 on the Richter
scale, and scientists were predicting a possible eruption. There was much skepticism
from locals because the volcano had been dormant for 123 years prior to 1980. The
pre-warnings of earthquakes make sense, as the tectonic plate movement which
causes these major earth movements are related to both earthquakes and
volcanoes. There was a large bulge in the northeast side of the mountain prior to the explosion indicating where the greatest buildup of energy existed. Unlike our idea of the volcano being a perfectly centered crater in the top, you can see from the picture that the incredible buildup of energy simply found its way out where it could.
Attached archival photos of before and after pictures of this magnificent volcanic
mountain. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=6AE2223BDF63AC82903C98D4E1825ADB23919089&thid=OIP.icax8uMwh_xxbCGCxU7negHaEn&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-ivsswqshAhA%2FUObvmv-w8yI%2FAAAAAAAAAFY%2FvsucyFSb3iQ%2Fs1600%2Fmount%2Bst%2Bhelen%2Bbefore%2Band%2Bafter.jpg&exph=664&expw=1065&q=mt+st+helens+before+and+after&selectedindex=0&qpvt=mt+st+helens+before+and+after&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6
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