Sunday, July 21, 2019


Prior to this week three assignment, I knew of Glaciers but nothing beyond them just being a thick sheet of ice.  Obviously it is more than that, there are alpine glaciers and continental, The Glaciers may seem to be solid and can not move but just as wind, water and land does, so does ice. As glaciers grind over the surface of the earth they leave behind deep scratches in on the rock which are call stiations, these scratches can be found on mountains all over the world.

Here in the picture above shows Andrew's glacier (alpine glacier) melting in which it deposits piles of unsorted unlayered sediments. These sediments are known as glacial till (the grayish sand looking rock on the bottom) . This picture show there is evidence the glacier was bulldozing the sediment out in from of it, thought its terminal moraine (where the glacier stopped moving) is not shown here, which also indicated that this glacier moved further below the mountain before it had started to melt.

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