Sunday, July 21, 2019


Here is Dotsero Volcano in Colorado, which it last erupted about 4,000 years ago, around the time the pyramids were being built in Egypt. I believe it is located where it is for the fact that there were other magma chambers here in Colorado and underneath the surface the magma found a source to reach the surface. Though I do feel that this particular had a hot fluid basaltic flow, a phreatomagmatic eruptions and it was described as a earth having a burp. Leaving the only evidence of a past eruption a crater in the mountain top and  a lava field about a few miles long. Which leaves me to feel this volcanic eruption was quiescent, due to the fact it's flow did not run to far, maybe due to its viscosity. Only hazard I can note that it is considered an active volcano, and it now consists of a surrounding population.

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